To foster a safe, neighbourly and crime-free neighbourhood by encouraging awareness and caring about neighbours, by making it easier for neighbours to communicate between one-another, by facilitating neighbourhood events and by sharing information about how to avoid becoming a victim of crime.
Established in 1992, the Cadarackque Neighbourhood Watch originally covered 225 homes on Tams, Allard, Field, Noble, Wicks, Miles and Horton streets in Ajax, Ontario. However, over time, people moved out of the community, and others, who may have never been trained in the procedures to make a neighbourhood watch successful, moved in. It was for this reason that the Watch was rejuvenated in January 2018.
The Watch zone includes the neighbourhood surrounding Cadarackque Public School and Miles Park. It encompasses all households (and businesses) in the quadrant bordered by Highway 401, Salem Rd, Kingston Rd, and Carruthers Creek. There are 482 households and approximately 30 businesses; we estimate 1200+ residents and a similar number of workers are within the Watch zone.
Neighbourhood Watch is one way in which community members at the grass-roots level can make a difference in the safety and security of their neighbourhoods. The Durham Regional Police Service supports the Neighbourhood Watch Program throughout Durham Region. Statistics show that where neighbours actively look out for each other, crime is reduced. We especially value unifying behaviour arising from neighbourly, supportive, thoughtful, observant, participative, protective and aware residents. We also encourage residents to be decisive in reporting concerns and, of course, to be law-abiding in their actions.
Joining our Watch does NOT expose a participant to neighbours learning about his or her personal business, nor does it include neighbourhood patrols nor chasing people around our streets! As well, we do not tolerate foul language, bullying, or disrespect of a neighbour in any of our published material. Information posted by participants to the Watch Website will be monitored daily. Text judged to be foul, bullying or disrespectful will be deleted instantly and, after consultation with the participant and review by Watch leadership, could result in the author having their logon privileges suspended.
A person or business representative must reside or work or have a child attending school within the Watch zone to become a Watch participant. Enrolment and participation is entirely free. Once registration has been confirmed, a participant will:
A participant's contact information does not go any further than the Membership Secretary and the specific Street Captain assigned to the respective street. Privacy is protected through use of a unique Participant Household ID, assigned at sign-up and used subsequently to identify concerns published by the Watch.
Our intent is to maximize Watch usefulness while minimizing the administrative burden on Watch volunteers through automation of as much of the Watch business as posible in our Web based system (
Watch participants will be able to list services, hobbies or expertise they have to give or trade in our neighbourhood. It is limited to neighbour-to-neighbour offerings and is expected to be especially helpful for, but not confined to, youth and seniors.
Young people who live within the Watch could list services they would like to offer, such as: snow shovelling, babysitting, lawn mowing, yard work, etc..
Seniors who live within the Watch and who have energy and time to spare are encouraged to let their neighbours know they are out there. They could list services such as: pet minding, house-sitting, seniors' ride (local drop-off/pick-up), dog walking, odd-job help, etc. Or perhaps they would like to connect with other residents who share a similar hobby or who might find expertise they possess helpful.
While the Watch will check all "Cottage Market" listings for validity prior to their publication, no liability is accepted by the Watch for the service level or product quality. As in any case of one neighbour helping another, the individuals concerned agree on the arrangement particulars between themselves.
We much appreciate the support of corporate sponsors who make a donation to help our Watch. Donations are gratefully received in the form of money or in-kind (such as: products for resale at fund raising auctions, or prizes in raffles associated with sign-up promotional campaigns) to fund Watch expenses.
While the Watch doesn't (and must not) officially endorse any particular business, Watch participants are encouraged to consider corporate sponsors when selecting a vendor for their own needs. The sponsors' display on our Website will only be the corporate logo or tagline provided by the sponsor, and it will remain posted on our Sponsors page for the current year plus 1 more calendar year.
NOTE: In conformance to Regional Neighbourhood Watch rules, corporate advertising, other than a donor's name/logo on our Sponsors page, is NOT permitted anywhere on this site.
Rejuvenation Lead Facilitator
Cadarackque Neighbourhood Watch
Ajax, Ontario, Canada