ALERT - Daytime Theft of Bike from Open Garage
11:14a.m., Thursday, July 1, 2021
While a resident on Allard was gardening in their backyard on Canada Day, and their family inside, a suspect walked into their garage (through 3-quarters open door) and stole a Trek Mountain Bike. The theft was detected that evening and later that night their son saw his bike for sale on Kijiji! The incident was caught on security camera and reported to DRPS.
The neighbour victimized by this incident says: "I'm so sick that this type of thing happens in broad daylight!! You may be able to help them...please CHECK YOUR SECURITY VIDEO from July 1st, between 11:00-11:30 AM. If you see the suspect (match to pic in our Gallery) email: for the DRPS contact. And let's learn from this. When not in use, keep things you value away from street-view and ideally safely locked away. Don't let it happen to you.